Chemical composition
Crystal shape
Calcites can form hundreds of different crystal shapes.
They are true shape magicians.
Double spar is particularly impressive.
It is transparent, clear and has the shape of a rhombohedron.
If you look through it, you can see everything twice!
The scalenohedron is also a special crystal shape
that is somewhat reminiscent of a jelly bag cap.
Mohs scale hardness
Cleavage and Fracture
Calcite is a continuous mineral.
This means that it is very common and
occurs all over the world.
You will often find it together with the minerals
Quartz, fluorite (fluorspar), barite (barite),
galena (galena), sphalerite (zinc blende)
or pyrite (fool's gold).
Calcite is also a component of rocks such as marble or limestone.
Calcite is a very important raw material because
it is needed in the production of gypsum and cement.
Fertilisers can also be made from calcite.
The effect of birefringence
is particularly important for lenses.
This can be used to build polarisation microscopes
in order to examine the composition of rocks even more closely.